Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 3: Hitting the Books

Last week (and this week for that matter) have been spent reading. So, no, there aren't any fun pictures in this blog post, and I'll be keeping it as short as I can.

Our first class started with Irish History. We had a few lectures on it when Vance, the program founder, was over for a week or so. He went through a timeline of major events, people and organizations that have shaped Irish people and the country to this day. Something I've noticed that runs contrary to America is how knowledgeable the people of Ireland are on their history as well. For example, our bus driver Brian would give us mini history lessons on our drives across the country when we went to Killarney. Reading the 350+ page book in one week was overwhelming considering how dense and rich the cultural history of Ireland is, but we did it and had a midterm on it yesterday morning.

This week's focus is Celtic Christianity and reading up on some historic Christian belief. We have another midterm on Saturday that covers this material.

Tomorrow is a fun day though. We are heading into Dublin to see the musical Once at the Gaiety Theatre. At Taylor University they have a thing called pick-a-date where they pair up and do something fun together, kind of like a hall event; but since the ratio of men to women here in Ireland (22 women to 9 men) is so out of whack, tomorrow we are going on "polyga-date." Yeah, it's happening. Each guy is going to the show and dinner with 2 or 3 girls.

So that's my last week and this week summed up. Next week our professor for Celtic Christianity arrives and we have lecture along with traveling for 3 days to Kilkenny! Stay tuned for pictures from there!

Until next time,

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