Friday, April 5, 2013

Easter Weekend

Well hello again, folks. These last few weeks have been very Irish Literature focused since our professor, Dr. Baker, was here teaching, lecturing, taking us on site visits, and the trip up to Donegal that I blogged about last time.

One day we took a day trip up to Dublin and visited a few sits, a combination of historic (for our Irish History and Celtic Christianity classes) and literary for Irish Lit.

Our first stop of the day was at Marsh Library. It was founded in 1701 by Narcissus Marsh who was famous for helping translate the first full Irish language Bible and also drafter of the penal laws which restricted a lot of Roman Catholics in what they could and could not do (like the Jim Crow laws in America). The library has over 25,000 books, and the guest book there is signed by so many famous people, like one of my favorite Irish authors James Joyce.

That day we also visited both St. Patrick's Cathedral and Christ Church Cathedral. They are beautiful buildings with a lot of history that I would recommend looking up, but I'm not going to regurgitate it all here because honestly I am too lazy to type it all up haha.

On Easter Sunday I went into Dublin to the Church of Ireland service at Christ Church Cathedral. The Church of Ireland is derived from the Anglican church and is comparable to an Episcopalian church in America. It was a new experience for me, and I absolutely loved it. The reverence for God held in such a beautiful building with such meaningful scripture readings, recitations and communion was wonderful. I'd love to go back sometime and hear the choir sing the Hallelujah chorus from Handel's Messiah since that is what it is famous for. The original was first performed just steps away at a theatre in Dublin.

Enjoy the few photos I have!

Courtyard of St. Patrick's Cathedral. It snowed that day.

Inside St. Patrick's

St. Patrick's ceiling

Entrance to Marsh Library

Until next time,

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