Monday, April 6, 2015

Reading, Listening, Watching #1

Once again, I've gone some time without blogging (where has 2015 gone?!?!). Since I've been completely absorbed in some great books/albums/films/television shows lately, I thought I'd just share what I've been enjoying the last few months.

What I'm Reading:

Photo credit: Amazon
Just Kids is Patti Smith's memoir about living in New York City with fellow artist and friend Robert Mapplethorpe during the 1960's and 70's. She meets the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and William Burroughs, and reflects on these experiences that shaped her into the poet, visual artist, and musician that she later became. It's probably one of the best books I've ever read. Seriously. Patti Smith has a way of sharing her experiences that feels as if she is sitting right next to you. She paints a vivid picture of the emerging punk rock scene in NYC and how people go their separate ways over the span of a lifetime. It's beautiful and brilliant.

I've also really been enjoying Meg Wolitzer's 2013 novel The Interestings which also is set largely in NYC and revolves around six characters who meet at a camp for talented youth. Wolitzer starts off the novel by introducing what seem like super cliché characters, but slowly she reveals the facets of each person that make the really complex and somewhat despicable. It's great. 

Photo credit: Goodreads

What I'm Listening to:

Laura Marling came out with her fifth album, Short Movie, in March. So of course that's what I've been listening to non-stop. If you know me well, you know I absolutely love her music. She's mainly a folk singer with killer classical guitar skills and poetic lyrics. But her new album is a bit more alt-rock (only a bit) with her typical breathy voice and a lot of American high desert feelings. Perfect music for a road trip. [Also I did an album review for Westmont's newspaper which you can read here.]
Photo credit: Pitchfork
I've also started listening to (reading?) The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. It was released in January 2015 and has been highly acclaimed as "the next Gone Girl." So clearly I had to give it a shot. I'm not sure if I'd go so far as to claim that for myself, but it's definitely giving off an über creepy vibe.

Photo credit: Goodreads

What I'm Watching: 

I really love miniseries. And at the recommendation of more than one person, I gave the British series (not the American reproduction) Broadchurch a chance. I was not disappointed. The first season is only 8 episodes, but they are so engrossing you will want to binge-watch it. And you can because it's on Netflix. It follows the idyllic, seaside town Broadchuch as it deals with the death of Danny Latimer, a young boy who was possibly murdered. David Tennant plays a grouchy detective from Scotland who screwed up on a previous murder case and is here to save his own skin and catch the killer. 
Photo credit: BBC America
And of course I've been watching Tina Fey's new Netflix original series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Since it came out in early March, I've actually seen all of the episodes twice. I couldn't resist binge-watching that one when it first came out, and then rewatched episodes with friends as they watched it for the first time. It's hilarious and bizarre and totally 30 Rock, so if you liked that one or quirky, Fey humor at all, you should give it a shot.

Photo credit: The New Yorker
Well this was fun. I love hearing what other people are reading/watching/listening to, so let me know your recent favorites.

Until next time,

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