Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Opposite of Samson

In 2007, Britney Spears left her one-day stint in rehab and shaved her head at a Los Angeles hair salon. It's a notorious event that serves as the butt of many jokes.

Today, well technically yesterday as I'm writing this, I got my haircut. It was the first time I'd had it cut since last August. Thats almost five months ago. A lot happens in five months.

And as I sat in the cracked leather chair today with the red cape draped over my chest and arms, feeling like Superman in reverse, I realized something.

There is a relief in change, especially at your own hands. 

I mean, there is really something powerful about taking control of your surroundings, of your life, even if that boils down to simply your choice of haircut.

Maybe Britney wigged out a bit...I had to, sorry. But when your life is in shambles, you seek desperately for control.

My life, thankfully, in no way resembles Spears's. Phew. But there was something so sweet and refreshing in getting my hair cut today after months of letting it grow out. I didn't rip the shears out of her hands and cut it myself. Instead, I sat there, and I thought about everything I've learned since the end of last summer.

I thought about everything I learned in San Francisco. I thought about what I learned in my classes last semester. I thought about the experiences I've had living in a house with six other guys, the books I've read, about friendships and family, and I thought about the future.

And what I thought about most, what kept popping into my head, was how I felt like the opposite of Samson. How when he lost his hair, he broke down. He became weak, and he lost all control of his life.

It's funny how such a small thing, a fine alteration in your life, can completely change your perspective. All I did today was shed a few pounds of hair (it's really thick, you guys). But since I'm not Superman, and I'm definitely not Samson, losing my hair isn't a kryptonite.

It's been a new year for a week now, but today feels like a new start. I'm ready for 2015 now more than ever, and I sure hope it beats Britney's 2007.

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