Saturday, November 10, 2012

Run, Max, Run!

Let's begin with first asking why I ever convinced myself to run a half marathon. I intended to take the class at my college but when that didn't work out with my schedule and I was already registered, I just decided to do it anyway.

On that note: I am so glad I did it.
Was it fun? Eh, sure.
Was it easy? Heck no!
Did I finish? Heck yes!

I'll give a little recap of the race before I slowly fall into a slumber for the next 12 hours.

It started off nice and easy. I ran about 3 or so miles in a big group before it began to spread out a bit. Midway I felt pretty good but then about mile 7 I hit my wall.

Then at mile 8.5 or 9 I wanted to rip my feet off of my body and crawl the rest of the way. So of course that's when everyone running with me and cheering from the sides began to really motivate me. Complete strangers who couldn't necessarily tell I was exhausted would come up and say "only 4 miles left! We can do this!" and run off. God-sends, each and every one of them.

Then we hit the hill. Mile 10 to 11 was brutal. All uphill and in direct sun, I was a mess. But I got over that hill and the last 2.1 miles were all downhill right on the Santa Barbara coast. It was the absolute best weather for a race. I crossed that finish line, grabbed a snack and water, and collapsed on the grass. Done.

It was tough, for sure, especially since I slacked on my training (I blame having to read Moby Dick for my english class), but I did complete it, which goes to show that a little lunacy and putting one foot in front of the other leads to seizing legs and lots of sweat. Oh and a 1/2 marathon medal to prove it.

I'll put some photos up once I get those from friends. Until then, goodnight for the next 36-48 hours.
Photos now here:

Getting our bibs the night before the race.


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